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Category:2012 films Category:Indian films Category:Indian drama films Category:Films scored by D. Sanjeewa Category:Indian action drama filmsSaturday, June 22, 2007 This week a post on an interesting science project appeared on Science Daily. It was about the effect of learning a second language on the brains of young children. Unfortunately, we were the one who found it first (at least in part). I've been exploring a few scientific ideas lately (the whole "naturally occurring" thing) but I've always liked the simple experiments to see if a hypothesis is actually right. It's just one more thing to point out when you hear some new claim that we just all need to get along because we're all the same. Today I went to the grocery store and the checkout line was jammed full. I stepped up to the counter, spoke to the woman ahead of me, and then someone else spoke to me. The first person told me to put the card back into the slot on the machine and said that I could then use the money from the card to pay my bill. The next person said the same thing. The third person said, "Well, that's how the machine works." I realize that he's right. The first person was wrong. But it made me think about whether we all come from the same place. I like to think that we do. At least we're all human. No comments: About Me I'm an amateur naturalist, a design consultant, and a lifelong learner. My family has lived in central New Mexico for generations, and this is where my writing will take me next. I look forward to learning about this beautiful region with you.Q: Passing a parameter to a child state in Angular2 I have a view with a form. In this view, I have a child component that displays data from an API call using a http request. In this child, I need to pass the data that the request returns to the parent component so that I can send it to the parent component's view. parent view child view {{data}} I've tried passing the data using a service and binding it with the child view's component, but I don't know how to pass it. Can someone be359ba680

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